Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Dear Judy..+ All my Readers, Fans etal...

Good Morning to y'all...

(Even Tho using 'Good' And 'Morning' in the Same Sentence is an Oxymoron if I Evah Heard One!Yeh.I am still on City Time..what can I tell ya!)

1st...I must apolize for Any + All typos in my Blogs as of late..I have just moved (and we All know How Much Fun moving 3x in 2 months can be!) + am awaiting my DSL service from The Green Cafe..so.being the dedicated writer I am...All recent posts are being done from my Blackberry. Thanks for your patience..

Judy.as for your reply to my Intro Column..Yes..I would love to meet for 'Coffee, Tea or Me'..not to defend myself..but just to 'tawk'.

As a person who Loves Jewish Humour..I am curious..Do you feel the same way about the Brilliant, Talented + Hilarious..not to mention Legendary... Jackie Mason
As you do about me?!

I too grew up Surrounded by Survivors..my Father being one.I lost out on a set of Grandparents + a whole slew of Aunts, Uncles + Cousins due to The Holocaust.
As a young girl growing up in Da Bronx..I was Always wondering Why my neighbors would hastily pull their shirt skeeves down when I came 'round..Then, 1 day..I saw 'The Numbers'..

I have no real 'ists' in my life..nor did my Parents..Tho my Father..being 'Old World European'was definitely a 'Sexist' on some levels..
They used the Yiddish Language as anyone would use a 2nd language....so 'The Others'(or us Kids) wouldn't understand..it was like 'code'! My Mother,who was 2nd Generation,a Blonde/Green Eyed Beauty, Part French Jew, Artist, Teacher + Nurse.. had a trained eye for the Dr. Diamond Nose Job'!( Probably in part cuz she wanted one herself!!) Was always whispering in 'Someone's' ear..'Look at that nose..just like a shiksa'.B_( Always with a smile on her face!.

And, Judy, I must ask..Who is a 'Racist'?
What does Race have to do with This anyway...Jew, Protestant..whatevah..Those are Religions My Dear!

Darlin'..It's called Humour..OK? So take a 'chill pill' + lighten up a bit would ya Pluueease?
Humour..Laughter..Proven healing/coping strategies..try it sometime..it works! It's Very Cathartic to be able to turn Tragedy into Comedy..And it can save you a Fortune in Therapy + Anti-Depressants!
(Trust me..I Used to be on Industrial Strength Prozac!)

Re: Me, My Column + Blog..I am wondering where you got this idea that 'I have the wrong audience up here 'on The Hill' cuz I gotta tell you..You are The Only one that I Know of who has taken offence to the content of 'The Discombobulated One'! As a matter of fact..One of our "
'Tribal Members' loves me So Much.. that he recentlysaid that he is going to 'tell' JP that he should give me a regular column'! So sweet + flattering...

The interesting thing here is the biggest worry I had..+ perhaps a concern of The Crier"s as well..was that my content would not be understood or appreciated by those who are not 'citified' + well travelled..BUT that does Not seem to be The Case at all! I have gotten Great Feedback from both Jews + Non-Jews alike..Including people of All 'Races'..some who have never been in a Big City..where Everyone seems to be 'Jewish by circumcision'on some level..cuz they All Know + Use words like 'schlep', 'schmooz' + 'fahklemped'!

Speaking of which...what's your take on the show 'Saturday Night Live'? Do you consider it a 'Racist' show..and all the Writers/Comics 'vulgar + foul' cuz they brought the word 'Fahklemped' out of The Proverbial Closet?

Judy..I have been a Stand-up Comic + Writer for close to 10 years..in NYC, LA + 'on The Road'..I am a person who lives her life Everday with Passion + a Smile on My Face..I use The 'Pay It Forward'/Glass 1/2 Full' Methods as my guides. No Matter What!! I have been involved in 'The Greater Good Network' since before it was even a 'thang'; I do 'Rescue'(People + Animal) both Privately + within more structured settings + have some Wonderful Happy Ending stories that I would love to share..+ I think those who Really Know me would give me pretty darn good references!! Re: My Intentions are sincere ..And I just don't 'Talk it..I walk it too'!

I am Not saying that Everyone will agree with The Way I See The World,. How I Live My Life..or with what I have to say and/or how I say it.
(I realize that I am kinda 'complicated' + hard to 'get' for 'Some' people..but those who aspire to Brilliance And Creativity 24/7..as I do..ie: the people I 'normally' surround myself with'..usually have No Problema!!)

But let me also say here..that I am glad I rocked the boat..that You commented on my Column...that is indicative to me that people are reading The Paper, for one..And that I make people think + question things. I would rather be Almost Anything Than Invisible!!
Another one of My 'How I Live My Life' motto's is; 'I loathe, abhor + despise Mediocrity, Boredom, Stupidity + Cruelty'!

But..I do believe Freedom of Speech is My Right..+ Yours too..
And as long as I know, In My Heart And Soul...that my writing is Not meant to be hurtful or malicious..Nor does it come from a Place of Darkness...(actually Quite the Opposite) I will continue to 'Write On'!!

I have Earned it!

With Love, Light + Laughter


  1. Speaking as a former New Yorker (my first apartment away from home) there is something larger than life about the denizens of that chaotic, noisy, incredibly thrilling city. What makes it the inspiration of so many writers is the multiplicity of voices, dialects, languages, all louder than most of us small town folks might find comfortable, and most with very strong opinions they are unafraid to express. And oddly, New Yorkers (uptown, downtown, Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens - not sure about Longiland or Staten Island) are among the kindest, most generous and funny people I have met. I have always loved all those voices and often outrageous opinions - the unfiltered voices of the melting pot through which so many of us immigrants passed. The tawk, hearing the riffs, the eye raising observations, the horns of taxi drivers, the ear splitting cacaphony - it makes me homesick for my time in Manhattan. Love the tawk!

  2. Marshall..Thank you for your unwavering support..:) If my Biological Clock wasn't more like a Nuclear Warhead & all my eggs weren't hard boiled...I'd ask you to Mate & Marry me...No drinks & dinner 1st even! lol xo The DB
